Community Outreach Group

The Ellesmere Port Parish Community Outreach Group (COG) commit to connect with and support others. We aim to develop community engagement, sharing the light and love of Jesus.

We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), therefore we need to be actively involved in the world (not just within our churches) and its contextual nature – we need to be working with our local people.

Within the ‘Five Marks of Mission’, two have particular emphasis for community work:

To respond to human need by loving service

To seek to transform unjust structures of society

Therefore, theologically this leads to the following for our community:

  • Dignity: we are all valued as God’s people.
  • Action; based on justice and love for our neighbour.
  • Transformation; for individuals, the church and society.
  • Collaboration; communities and churches.
  • Service; accepting and valuing the gifts of everyone.
  • Equality; for all involved.

The aim of the COG is to go out to our community, in order to bring our community in. We see this as a flowing two way process, whereby the COG truly enacts the overarching church mission statement ‘Christ in the Centre of the Church, the Church in the Centre of the Community’.

Through our work we aim to:

  • Reduce the impact of food and fuel poverty.
  • Increase social engagement within the community via fun days and other groups.
  • Provide pastoral support.
  • Provide a safe and welcoming space for community members to attend.
  • Partner with other agencies and network to increase support options for the community.
  • Reduce the impact of period poverty.
  • Fundraise and give to charity both locally, nationally and overseas.
  • Share the light and love of Jesus through all of our initiatives.

Cinema Night

Everyone welcome to attend our cinema night this Saturday, please do share and bring along your friends too. What will our film be this time? Just imagine the possibilities!

354 shopping bags delivered to local families

A fantastic community effort, with many people coming together to ensure that our local community are supported this summer.  354 shopping bags packed and delivered to local families. Many Thanks to funders and volunteers for their support. Check out our video link on Facebook to see all that went on

Toms Tots Summer Party

What a way to end our year – a wonderful summer party, playing games outdoors, fun and laughter, and then our lovely party snacks. Some of our tots are moving on to new chapters as they grow and transition to nursery or school, so we made sure we had a fantastic time celebrating together to […]

COGs on the Move!

Our brand new initiative begins this Friday at 3pm, at Wolverham Playing Fields. All are welcome to join us for some fun and games, we will have sports equipment, crafts, and our volunteers are ready to meet with you to share laughter and have a great time together. We look forward to seeing you there!

Beat the TV Programme Fun Day

We had a fantastic time at our 'Beat the TV programmes' event. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success - The National Lottery Community Fund, Co-op, Asda, Transforming Lives Together, and of course our wonderful church volunteers!

Community Outreach

The Community Outreach Team ‘COG’ have placed COGs at the back of each church for you to take and challenge yourself to engage just that little bit more for the next few weeks with that welcoming feeling within our Parish. Our welcome does not need to end at the front door, we need to ensure […]