Eco Church

As part of a Diocesan initiative we applied for and achieved, a Bronze Award as an ECO Church in Ellesmere Port.

This is part of a project run by A Rocha UK, which equips churches in England and Wales to care for creation.

The project helps churches to evaluate and reform the impact it has both as an organisation and individually on the world and its local community. It does this by looking at our carbon footprint and waste, the use of and care of our land and natural resources.

Through education and teaching we aim to reduce the effect our corporate and individual lifestyle has on the environment. To achieve this, we look at four areas of our church life.

1. Management of church buildings.

2. Management of church land

3. Community and global engagement.

4. Lifestyle.

We do this because we believe that God has called all Christians to be Good Stewards of our resources and the world which God gave into our care.

We engage with local environmental initiatives like litter picking, growing fresh fruit and veg in our raised beds ( a project coming together with the aid of our scouts), tree planting and caring for our church land and wildlife.

We encourage more people to recycle, think about energy usage, and to walk, cycle or car share to reduce our pollution and improve health and fitness.